Saturday 27 July 2013

How To Shield Yourself From Computer & Cell Phone Radiation

Ok, so you’re sitting at your computer, reading this article (and I’m really, really glad you are, so do keep reading). However, your computer screen, at this very moment, is bathing you in the warm glow of electromagnetic radiation. Oh, and it’s not just your computer, unfortunately — your i-products, smartphone, tablet, etc — they’re all giving you the dubious gift of electromagnetic exposure.
Wait. I should amend that … they’re giving you heightened electromagnetic exposure. The sun and the earth all give off electromagnetic frequencies, as does your fuse box, electronics, lamps, television, and so on (if you've ever watched one of those ghost-hunting reality shows, then you’re probably already well versed in sources of electromagnetic frequencies).

Why should this bother us? Well, those of us who are sensitive can suffer from headaches, light sensitivity, sensitivity to sounds, insomnia, anxiety and even hallucinations in rare, severe cases. Some researchers think this kind of overexposure could be contributing to the rising rates of infertility and some cancers.
Yikes, right? I know. But we’re so attached to our electronics. We rely on them — I know I do. So, what do we do? Well, the obvious answer is to take breaks from electronic exposure — especially things with pretty, glowing screens. Take a walk, get outside. Also, be sure to charge your electronics at least 10 feet away from where you sleep and prepare food. You can also turn off your wi-fi at night or whenever you’re not using it. The fewer invisible waves rolling around your home, the better.
But you can also arm yourself with herbs. Any adaptogen or herb that boosts your resistance (i.e. immune system) will help your body not only deal with radiation, but also adapt to its exposure. We had generations and generations to adapt to the sun’s radiation; we've had only a matter of years to adapt to computers and their smaller, handheld cousins.
Start a daily herbal regimen or, if you have one already, add these guys to it. Combined with taking breaks (maybe you could sip herbal tea while taking a break from the screen), you’ll improve your chances of resisting radiation.
1. Seaweeds 
We don’t often associate sea plants with herbs, but they’re absolutely medicinal and, as weeds, they totally count as herbs. They’re also loaded with minerals that your body needs. Kelp is usually the most inexpensive seaweed on the market, and you can get it in capsule form if you don’t like the taste of sea plants. Also? Kelp has this groovy way of binding with radioactive isotopes, allowing them to flush cleanly and easily out of your body which, as an herbalist, I find dorkily cool.
A couple of notes: seaweeds contain iodine (which is part of what helps protect the body from radiation). Too much or too little iodine can interfere with thyroid health, so take the recommended dosage (usually one capsule per day) and see your physician if you have thyroid issues. You can also eat a few sheets of toasted nori per day, or sprinkle dulse on your salads or stir-fries.
2. Rosemary
Rosemary, as an antioxidant, has been found to be wonderful protection against, as well as medicinal for those who have been exposed to, radiation. Cooking with it is always an option, but we often don’t use enough when we cook to count as a medicinal dose (understandably so; that much rosemary would make the dish, at worst, inedible or, at best, highly … memorable). Try capsules or a tincture (always my favorite way to take herbs). Follow package directions, keeping in mind that they are recommended for a 150-pound adult; make the necessary adjustments based on your weight. Note: while rosemary is perfectly safe to cook with while pregnant, do avoid high medicinal doses.
3. Reishi mushrooms
Reishi mushrooms are powerful antioxidants and marvelous immune boosters and adaptogens. As an adaptogen, reishi not only helps us deal with stress, but it strengthens our nervous system, boosting, in turn, our immune system. In this way, it helps protect us against radiation exposure. As an antioxidant, it binds to free radicals (such as radioactive isotopes) and flushes them from the body.
It’s best to take reishi daily, on an empty stomach and with lots of water (all the better to flush the system — this holds true with any herb, but reishi is especially powerful). Generally, there are no side effects or dangers with reishi — even while pregnant or breastfeeding. However, if you're on immunosuppressive drugs or have had an organ transplant, it’s best to consult with your physician.
4. Green Tea
Green tea may be the most familiar antioxidant out there for most of us. At least, it’s certainly been hyped, advertised, and presented as such — and with good reason. Green tea is high in antioxidants, can help ionize radiation in the body as well as protect against cellular damage. It’s also pretty easy to incorporate into your daily routine (and a good excuse to take a break — brew some tea, put your feet up, and take a half hour to read a nice, non-radiating book).
To reap the benefits of green tea, you should aim for two 8-ounce cups a day (at least) and brew organic, loose leaf tea. Brewing non-organic tea ups your exposure to fluoride — and we’re trying to rid the body of toxins here, not reintroduce them. One note: if you’re like me and the minerals in green tea make you nauseous, try drinking it right before a meal, or thirty minutes afterward.

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