Saturday, 10 August 2013

Chris Brown Not Joking About quitting music [See Tweets]

The R&B singer caused quite the stir Tuesday after he posted series of tweets on his twitter page, suggesting he may retire from the music industry after his "X" album coming this August. The tweets "mysteriously" disappeared from Chris Brown's twitter page.

The Fine China singer said he's "tired of being famous for a mistake" he made when he was 18, claiming he's cool and over it!  READ TWEET BELOW


Halle Berry's short hair has become so closely associated with her that she often likes to change it for movie roles. For "The Call," she chose to wear a curly wig that many observers didn't love, but it was part of the job. "It's becoming harder and harder for actors to escape who they really are and have people suspend belief," she said. "For me, the first thing that has to go is (my) hair."

We're used to seeing Beyoncé with long hair, so when the singer debuted a super-short pixie cut this week, the world paused to take notice. But she's not the only star who's stunned the public with nothing more than a haircut -- take a look at these